Criminal Defense
Being arrested by the police is probably the scariest thing in the world. You are being accused of breaking the law and you are being treated like a criminal. It’s very hard to think in this situation. Even if you are being stopped by the police and being issued a book of motor vehicle summonses, it is still pretty traumatizing.
If you, a loved one or a friend is charged with motor vehicle violations, disorderly person’s offenses or crimes involving drugs, alcohol, assault, theft of property or services, or violence against another person, we can help protect you.
Here are a couple of pointers in case you are reading this page before you or someone you care for is stopped by the police:
If you are stopped for DWI, you have to give breath samples to the police. You don’t have the right to speak with an attorney before taking this test. Failure to submit to a breath test is as serious as having a DWI.
You don’t have to consent to the police searching your car or your home. There are certain situations where the police don’t need your consent and they will proceed to conduct the search. But, if they ask for your consent, you don’t have to grant it. Usually, if the police ask for consent, they don’t have the grounds to conduct a search, unless they get a warrant signed by a judge.
In a criminal investigation, if the police want you to give a voluntary statement when you are being charged with an offense, you must be provided with your Miranda rights, which mean you, have the right to remain silent and get an attorney. It is better to speak with an attorney before making any voluntary statements to the police.
We have protected people who have been charged with the following offenses, misdemeanors and felonies:
- Assault
- Aggravated assault
- Assault by auto
- Disorderly conduct
- Domestic violence
- Driving without liability insurance
- Driving while suspended
- DWI/ DUI drunk driving
- Drug possession
- Drug sales
- Harassment
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Reckless driving
- Refusal to take a breathalyzer
- School zone offenses
- Shoplifting
- Speeding
- Theft