Uninsured Motorist Claims
The stark reality is there are many cars in New Jersey that aren’t insured. There are also many cars that have very low limits of liability insurance. If you, a loved one or a friend are injured due to the fault of either an uninsured motorist, or by a driver with a low amount of liability insurance, we can inform you of how your insurance company and the law can protect you.
These types of cases have names. When you are injured due to the fault of an uninsured motorist, we can file an Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Claim. (UM BI).
Where you are injured due to the fault of an underinsured motorist, we can bring an Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Claim. (UIM BI).
An Uninsured Motorist BI claim can be brought when the owner and driver have no insurance or when their insurance company is insolvent. We can bring an uninsured motorist case when an at fault driver causes an accident and they leave the scene and can’t be identified. We can also bring an uninsured motorist case if the victim of the accident is forced off the road while taking evasive action to avoid an accident and the at fault vehicle can’t be identified. If you are a victim of an accident with similar facts and an unknown vehicle caused the accident, report it to the police and your insurance company immediately, or your rights to bring this type of claim could be in jeopardy.